📄️ Account Types
📄️ Generate Account
The xx network wallet generator walks you through the process of creating a quantum-ready wallet for use in the xx Network. It is important that you keep the wallet you generate private and secure, as you would any other cryptocurrency wallet.
📄️ Adding Accounts to the Web Wallet
Adding a Basic Account
📄️ Address Book
📄️ Claiming Tokens
Check out the [Genesis Block
📄️ Ledger
📄️ Multisig Accounts
You can use a multisig account to add extra security layers from a
📄️ Proxied
📄️ Receive Coins
You can receive coins from someone by sending your wallet address to
📄️ Send Coins
Once you have set up your account, you can send coins to any wallet you
📄️ Vested Transfers
xx Coins can be transferred between accounts on a release schedule that unlocks a constant number of tokens at each block. This is known as a Vested Transfer.