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cMixx Network Threat Model

Benjamin Wenger
Richard T. Carback III
David Stainton


As of this writing the Elixxir mixnet only has one application known as the xx messenger, an end to end encrypted chat client which does one on one and group chat. However the Elixxir mixnet is designed for general purpose usage. It can support a wide variety of applications. We may end up designing several mixnet protocols to support these various applications. Each of these protocols will have different security and privacy properties. The purpose of this document is to describe the threat model for the entire mix network and it's basic protocol which is to be augmented by protocol composition for each specific mixnet protocol.

Therefore to read the full threat model of a given application on the Elixxir mix network, you must read this section first, it provides the base mixnet threat model. And then you read the security and anonymity consideration sections of the end to end protocol design.

Network Composition

As mentioned in the architectural overview document, the PKI system is the root of all authority in the mix network. The anonymity privacy and security properties of the mixnet very much depend on the security of the PKI. If the PKi is compromised, the adversary can swap out the old mix cascades for his own mix cascades where the adversary knows all the mix private keys and can therefore link senders and receivers.

As mentioned in the xx network wire protocol design, our TLS link layer is used to encrypt all communications between each component of the network.

The cMix encryption is composed on the clients and terminates on the last mix node. The last mix node in a given route forwards the messages to the destination service on the gateway system. These messages are not protected with the cMix encryption. For some applications this is perfectly acceptable. However for encrypted chat the clients must use end to end encryption to protect the confidentiality of the messages.

The last mix in the cascade and the terminating gateway get to see the message plaintext. Therefore the end to end encryption must not contain any bitwise distinguishable patterns corresponding to client identity. Likewise messages must be padded to a fixed length.

Anonymity Set

A this time the Elixxir mix network does not try to hide which mix cascade a given client is using for a given mix round. Clients directly connect to gateways nodes which relay messages to the mix cascade. These gateways are only connected to one mix cascade so it's trivial for the global passive adversary determine the mix cascade being used.

If future design changes allowed the gateways to hide which mix cascade a given client is using then this would effectively let Elixxir's anonymity set size scale up linearly with the number of cascades. Likewise we can measure in terms of Shannon entropy instead of anonymity set size, they are equivalent in terms of the uncertainty the adversary would have linking input messages with output messages. Currently however the anonymity set size is the number of message slots for a mix round no matter how many cascades there are.

Privacy Notions

Just as cryptographers use hierarchical graphs of security notions to reason about cryptographic primitives, so too must we use privacy notions to reason about anonymous communication network privacy properties. ACN privacy notions describe precisely what kind of metadata cannot be prevented from leaking. Furthermore these privacy notions can be used as a basis of comparison when looking at various anonymous communication protocols.

For more information about ACN privacy notions see "On Privacy Notions in Anonymous Communication" by Christiane Kuhn, Martin Beck, Stefan Schiffner, Eduard Jorswieck, Thorsten Strufe

After rereading this paper it is my best guess that the privacy notions for the Elixxir mixnet with the xx messenger chat client is:

  • Sender Unobservability
  • Receiver Unobservability
  • Sender Receiver Unlinkability
  • Sender Message Unlinkability
  • Receiver Message Unlinkability

Decoy Traffic

Currently the xx messenger does make use of any decoy traffic and that is why it does provide the two "Unobservability" notions for both senders and receivers. In other words, xx messenger clients both send and receive decoy and legitimate messages. Therefore a passive network observer or a curious network operator cannot ever know with absolute certainty when a xx messenger client sends or receives a legitimate message.

The decoy traffic also enhances the mixnet's resistance to intersection attacks which are also known as long term statistical disclosure attacks. See the section below Long term statistical disclosure attacks.

Mixnet Attacks and Defenses

All mixnets have attacks that are in each of these categories. In this section we summarize how the attack works and enumerate our defenses or partial defenses for these attacks. Here we attempt to exhaustively list ALL attacks and in doing so we organize them by category. If there are any attacks for which we have no mitigation then we shall mention this below.

Compulsion attacks

Attack Description

In the context of attacking mixnets, the compulsion attacks is when the adversary obtains control of the mix node or mix node private key material in order to determine the linkages between input and output messages for that mix node. This attack must be repeated in sequence for each mix node in the cascade in order to link the cascade inputs with the cascade outputs.

Attack Defences

Firstly, let it be known that Elixxir protects against the compulsion attack primarily with frequent mix node cmix private key rotations. The PKI is continually generating more mix cascades and publishing them to the network. Adversaries cannot predict what a future cascade will be. If some mix keys are captured by the adversary they will only be useful for a very limited period of time, a few seconds.

In some circumstances the compulsion attack may involve breaking some cryptographic protocols. Therefore the addition of the cryptographic wire protocol (Elixxir uses TLS) should make such cryptographic compulsion attacks more difficult by providing the adversary with another cryptographic protocol to break.

Epistemic attacks

Attack Description

Epistemic attacks are attacks conducted by an adversary who uses their knowledge of the target to their advantage. In the classical ACN literature examples of these attacks are described where the network PKI information about all the network nodes is not uniformly distributed among the clients. The Adversary can identify clients based on their usage of the network.

Current Status

In our case simply by watching the mixnet traffic, one can learn the mix cascade that a given target client is using. This isn't a devastating attack, however it does limit the mix entropy to the number of message slots in a mixing batch.

Clients however do not send messages directly to their cascade. They send the message to a gateway node which relays the message to the cascade's gateway; however gateways only make use of one cascade and so it's trivial for a global passive adversary to determine which cascade a given client is using. Therefore the Elixxir mixnet anonymity set size is fixed as the number of message slots per mixing batch.

Future Mitigation

An advantageous design would be able to increase the mix entropy linearly with the number of cascades in the network as would be the case if the gateway nodes formed another two layers of continuous time mix nodes; in order to hide which cascade a given client message is destined to. This would be a good approach if we can overcome some of the associated engineering challenges.

N-1 attacks

Attack Description

An N-1 attack is a category of mixnet specific attacks where the adversary controls all but one message which is being mixed. In the context of a batch mix like cMix we can say that the adversary performing an n-1 attack is able to determine which output slot the target message is destined to.

Elixxir uses the cMix mixing strategy which has a fixed number of message slots. However a timing schedule is imposed where gateways fill message slots with dummy messages if not enough messages were received before the mixing round deadline. An N-1 attack that would work against the Elixxir mixnet would be as follows:

The adversary awaits the new mixing round and then fills all but one message slot with his own messages. The final message slot is then reserved for the target client. The adversary may drop or delay messages if a non-target client submits a message. It would be obvious to the adversary which output message was sent by the target client.

In the context of Elixxir we are using fixed predetermined cascades of mixes therefore performing such an attack on the entry mix node gets us the results when all the messages exit the cascade.

Elixxir also has a special variation of the above N-1 attack where the adversary compromises the gateway node that the target client is using. The adversary simply causes the gateway to insert dummy messages in all message slots except that of the target message.

What is the Elixxir defense to this attack?

Gateway must accept messages for all cascades.

Also Benjamin Wenger describes a future cMix variation:

Instead of having just the first node collect messages to input into the cascade, you have every node in the team collect 1/teamsize of the batch size.

You can have them all send these to the first node in order to be included in the cascade, but this would result in a latency increase for the time of that transmission (a back of the napkin estimate put this at 100~500ms of extra latency). This extra latency can be eliminated by reconstructing the first pass of cmix (the unpermuted phase, known in the code as realtime decrypt) to operate as teamsize parallel cascades of with 1/teamsize slots. these would be constructed to start at Team Member and end at the first member of the team so it can then start the second permuted cascade as normal.

Depending on the properties of the parallel cascade, this cascade may be faster than the current implementation because it is more parallelized. Due to how the the final unwrapping phase (post permutation) is dependent on keys in both cascade phases, and how each node in the team add further keying material in the permutation phase, the ignoring of sub-cascades from the first pass would result in many garbled payloads, which as a result of the tagging attack defenses would be indistinguishable from any valid payloads they did include in their attempted n-1 attack, nullifying the attack under the assumptions of the tagging attack defenses, primarily the effectiveness of the overly dense address space.

statistical disclosure attacks

Short term timing correlation attack

Attack Description

Short term timing correlation attacks use message timing to link messaging flowing into the ACN from clients with messages flowing out of the ACN to clients.

Attack Defences

These attacks don't apply to mixnets. Short term attacks should be prevented by the mixing strategy which adds latency and bitwise unlinkability creating uncertainty for the global passive adversary who is trying to link input and output messages for each mix in the route.

Long term statistical disclosure attacks

Attack Description

These attacks are also sometimes referred to as set intersection attacks. Generally speaking there are two varieties of such attacks:

  1. determine set recipients for target sender
  2. determine set of senders for target receiver

This attack assumes a global passive adversary who watches the mix network. Everytime the target sender sends a messages, the adversary records a set of recipients that received a message from the sender's mix cascade. For each message the target sends, the set of recipients will be different. Over time the adversary records many such recipient sets and can assume that the intersections of such sets yields the set of recipients.

Attack Defenses

Elixxir reduces the information leakage of intersection attacks by means of message ID collisions. Clients make use of deterministic message IDs as a lookup key for messages received over the mixnet. This results in many clients retreiving their messages via the same message ID. Thus the set intersections in the above attack would yield many more clients than the desired recipients for the target sender.

Future Work

Make use of some probability model to assist us in judiciously tuning the few mixnet parameters that mitigate this attack:

  1. Tune the message ID collision space
  2. Tune the mixing batch size (number of message slots)
  3. Number of decoy messages to send and how frequent to send them

Additional Future Work

This attack is also mitigated by hiding which mix cascade a given client is using. We will explore how to do this in another attack which we should reference here so we know that this is actually the solution to multiple attacks.

High-level protocol traffic correlation attacks

It is possible that layering protocols on top of mixnet protocols results in unexpected emergent behavior that cancels out the privacy notions of the mixnet by leaking additional statistical information. The Elixxir development team currently believes their existing mixnet protocols are simple enough that there is no emergent behavior which would cause additional privacy leaks.

Perhaps in the future formal methods could help us gain more confidence there is no unexpected emergent protocol behavior.

cMix attacks mentioned in published academic papers

Tagging attacks

Tagging Attack Description

In the classical mixnet literature tagging attacks usually refer to attacks where the adversary can discovery at least a 1-bit flip for confirmation. Whereas these bit flipping related confirmation attacks do not apply to non-cryptographically-malleable mixnet message formats, such as cMix.

For cMix and thus the Elixxir mixnet, there is a group homomorphic tagging attack which is summarized as follows:

The first mix node in the cascade "adds it's tag" to the target message by means of modulo-multiplication. Later the last mix node in the cascade can confirm the presence of the tag by multiplying the tag inverse and checking that the output message format is well formed.

Attack Defence

This attack doesn't apply to Elixxir because well formed output messages are indistinguishable from pseudo random noise. Therefore the adversary cannot confirm the presense of the tag. Likewise the tagging attack described in "Attacks on cMix - Some Small Overlooked Details" is also prevented by valid messages being indistinguishable from invalid messages.

Insider Attack

"Attacks on cMix - Some Small Overlooked Details" mentions the Insider Atack which does not apply to the Elixxir mixnet:

TODO: Write an explanation of why the Insider Attack doesn't work.

Denial of Service Attacks

For a discussion of the xx network perimeter rate limiting and the gossip protocols used by the gateways please refer to this blog post: