Gateway Gossip Protocol
Benjamin Wenger
Richard T. Carback III
David Stainton
Gateway Gossip Protocol Overview
Gateways gossip bloom filters and ingress client message rate limits. Therefore all the Gateways will eventually have a copy of every bloom filter. Clients use the round info to determine which Gateways are storing their incoming messages.
Gossip message signatures are created like this:
func buildGossipSignature(message *GossipMsg, privKey *rsa.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
return Sign(privKey, H(message))
Gossip messages are cryptographically verified like this:
func gossipVerify(message *GossipMsg) error {
remote_host_public_key, exists = GetHost(message.origin)
if !exists {
return errors.Errorf("Unable to locate origin host: %+v", err)
err = Verify(remote_host_public_key, H(message), message.signature)
if err != nil {
return errors.Errorf("Unable to verify signature: %+v", err)
if message.Tag == RateLimitGossip {
return nil
} else if message.Tag == BloomFilterGossip {
return nil
return errors.Errorf("Unrecognized tag: %s", message.Tag)
The GetHost
function above retrieves the remote host's public key
given it's network ID.
xx_network:comms/gossip/gossip.proto Defines a service and structures for the gossip protocol used by gateways:
// RPC for handling generic reception of Gossip messages
service Gossip {
rpc Endpoint (GossipMsg) returns (Ack);
rpc Stream (stream GossipMsg) returns (Ack);
// Generic response message providing an error message from remote servers
message Ack {
string Error = 1;
// Generic message used for a variety of Gossip protocols
message GossipMsg {
string Tag = 1;
bytes Origin = 2;
bytes Payload = 3;
bytes Signature = 4;
int64 timestamp = 5;