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Direct Messaging Module

Richard T. Carback III Benjamin Wenger


Direct Messages (DMs) are sent directly to another user without a pre-existing relationship between the sender and receiver. Each DM includes key negotiation information, optional reply information, and a message payload. They are a self contained, stateless, less secure alternative to post-quantum secured end-to-end messaging and are intended as a companion to the multicast channels protocol so users can communicate directly, outside the channel, without additional overhead.

DMs make several trade-offs for convenience:

  • No post quantum (PQ) security at this time. The PQ keys would take up too much space in the packets.
  • We use 256 bit (32 byte) ECDSA X25519 Public Keys instead of traditional public key 2048 or 4096 bit keys to save space in the packets.
  • Instead of a cMix Reception ID, DMs use derived identities based off the ECDSA X25519 public key.
  • No recipient forward secrecy is provided, because each message is encrypted to the public key of the recipient. If an attacker learns a private key, through device compromise or other means, they can read all messages received by a user. This includes learning sender reply information in the decrypted message and impersonating the recipient

To perform one-way non-interactive handshakes, DMs include an ephemeral public key and transmit the sender public key under encryption. Encrypting the sender reply key hides the identity of the sender.

DMs can be sent by anyone because recipients do not know the sender ahead of time in this design. Sent messages are forward secret due to the ephemeral public key used when sending. To prevent replay, we include timestamps and cMix round IDs in the encrypted payload.

Reception Identity

Unlike cMix Reception IDs, DMs use derived identities based off the ECC ED25519 public key. We derive these identities as follows:

receptionID = H(ed25519PubKey | idToken) | 0x03

The idToken, sometimes called the dmToken, is a random nonce which can be changed periodically. For example, it could be changed when leaving a channel to prevent further DMs from users of that channel.

The value appended at the end, 0x03 indicates a user ID reception ID type.

One-way Non-Interactive Handshake

We use the Noise Protocol Framework to implement the non-interactive one-way handshake. Specifically, we use the X pattern:

<- s
-> e, es, s, ss


  • <- is receipt of data, and -> is transmission
  • s is a known public key of the recipient. This is known beforehand, e.g., via a channel message.
  • e is an ephemeral public key uniquely generated for this this DM.
  • es is the derived secret on the sender side, HKDF(NIKE(e_priv, s)), where HKDF is a Hash-based key derivation function (a.k.a. MixKey in Noise docs) and NIKE is a non-interactive key exchange like diffie-helman, or ECDH in our case.
  • s = static public key (for the recipient)
  • ss is the derived secret on the receiver side, or HKDF(ECDH(s_priv, e))

DMs use the following Noise Protocol Name:


This noise protocol uses ECDH asymmetric encryption with XChaCha20Poly1305 symmetric encryption and Blake2s hashes inside of the protocol. Additionally, the prologue is set to the current DM protocol version (0x0 0x0 at the time of this writing). Full details on Noise Protocol and the syntax used above can be found in the noise specification document.

Direct Messages

Every direct message has the following contents of note:

message DirectMessage{
uint64 RoundID = 1;
uint32 DMToken = 3;
bytes Payload = 5;
bytes Nonce = 7;
int64 LocalTimestamp = 8;

These fields are used as follows:

  • RoundID is controlled by the low-level sending code. If it does not match the round in which the message is sent, it is dropped.
  • DMToken is used so the recipient can generate the reception ID to respond to the sender.
  • Payload is the actual direct message contents.
  • Nonce is set in the client code when the message is created. It isn't checked on receipt and is used to ensure the encryption is always unique.
  • LocalTimestamp is set by the API user but changed if too far off from network time. It is used for message ordering.

DM Encryption

The format of the plaintext inside the encrypted DM is as follows:

macKey = H(DH(SenderStaticPrivateKey, ReceiverStaticPublicKey))
bengerCode = H(macKey | message)
plaintext = SenderStaticPublicKey | bengerCode | uint16(len(message)) | message


  • SenderStaticPrivateKey is the private key of the sender
  • ReceiverStaticPublicKey is the public key of the receiver
  • SenderStaticPublicKey is the fixed-length public key size bytes of the sender
  • message is the plaintext message to be sent in the DM

We include an HMAC in the encryption, the bengerCode, to prove that the sender knows the private key of the public key included in the message. This prevents a third party from sending someone elses public key, making it appear to the user that the true the sender of a given message is someone else. It is similar to the sender signing the message they sent with their static public key.

The plaintext is encrypted and final payload is prepared as follows:

ephemeralPublicKey, ephemeralPrivateKey = generateKeyPair(rng)
key = H(DH(ephemeralPrivateKey, ReceiverStaticPublicKey))
ciphertext = NoiseX.Encrypt(key, plaintext)
cMixPayload = ephemeralPublicKey | ciphertext

This cMixPayload is what is sent over cMix to the recipient ID, derived from the ReceiverStaticPublicKey and idToken. To Decrypt, the above is reversed by separating the ephemeral public key from the ciphertext, decrypting the ciphertext, reading the sender static public key, checking the bengerCode authentication code, and returning the SenderStaticPublicKey and message contents to the recipient.

Once decrypted, the recipient has all of the data (the SenderStaticPublicKey and idToken) to respond to the direct message.

Security Considerations

Most of our properties are derived via Noise, but a few are not:

  1. Replay resistance is provided by a Nonce, Timestamp, and Round ID in the Direct Message payloads.
  2. Sender spoofing (sending from someone whose private key you do not know) is prevented by the bengerCode.
  3. Reception IDs can be made ephemeral by changing the idToken without needing to create a new public key / cryptographic identity.

Noise provides the rest of the properties we need (e.g., ciphertext non-maleability and ciphertext indistinguishability).

Privacy and Other Considerations

Other users in a multicast channel can see users post messages and use that to derive reception IDs. Like channels, it may be possible for a sufficiently global adversary to determine if a given network client is receiving direct messages, but it also may be possible for other channel users to determine this as well by observing their advertised reception ID. While this is mitigated by the receiver ID collisions, we still advise caution and to make it optional for clients to advertise this information on a given channel.

To make direct messages statelessly multi-device, a sender can encrypt messages to themselves using known secrets. If this is done, 2 messages would be sent from the client in quick succession (one to the recipient, one to the sender). This could create a usage pattern when many messages are sent at once. Such patterns exist for many other subsystems (e.g., file transfer), although this would show two different recipients on the output each time. This is also mitigated by ID collisions.

In conclusion, DMs are a lower-security option to communicate with unknown network participants from channels and other mechanisms. It should be used as a temporary measure before moving into a more secured, post-quantum secured mechanism.