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API Quick Reference

This document provides brief descriptions of all public functions, types, and interfaces exposed by the Client API (xxDK).


If you are new to the xxDK, you can start with the Overview and Getting Started docs.

Note that if you're running the client locally, you can use go doc to explore the list of functions and interfaces.

// cd into the `client` directory 
go doc -all ./api
go doc -all ./interfaces

How to Use the API

The API exposes multiple functions, as well as types and their associated method sets. For example, browsing through the API will show you there is a GetRoundEvents() callback registration function that lets your client see round events:

func (c *Client) GetRoundEvents() interfaces.RoundEvents

GetRoundEvents() returns a RoundEvents interface. Exploring the broader xxDK for this interface reveals a few functions, such as AddRoundEvent() that enable monitoring of a specified event:

type RoundEvents interface {
// designates a callback to call on the specified event
// rid is the id of the round the event occurs on
// callback is the callback the event is triggered on
// timeout is the amount of time before an error event is returned
// valid states are the states which the event should trigger on
AddRoundEvent(rid id.Round, callback ds.RoundEventCallback,
timeout time.Duration, validStates ...states.Round) *ds.EventCallback

// designates a go channel to signal the specified event
// rid is the id of the round the event occurs on
// eventChan is the channel the event is triggered on
// timeout is the amount of time before an error event is returned
// valid states are the states which the event should trigger on
AddRoundEventChan(rid id.Round, eventChan chan ds.EventReturn,
timeout time.Duration, validStates ...states.Round) *ds.EventCallback

//Allows the un-registration of a round event before it triggers
Remove(rid id.Round, e *ds.EventCallback)

Investigating the callback parameter of AddRoundEvent() yields the following prototype showing that you can receive a full RoundInfo object for any round event received by the client on the network:

// Callbacks must use this function signature
type RoundEventCallback func(ri *pb.RoundInfo, timedOut bool)

API Quick Reference


const (
// SaltSize size of user salts
SaltSize = 32


func CompressJpeg

func CompressJpeg(imgBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)

CompressJpeg takes a JPEG image in byte format and compresses it based on desired output size.

func CompressJpegForPreview

func CompressJpegForPreview(imgBytes []byte) ([]byte, error)

CompressJpegForPreview takes a JPEG image in byte format and compresses it based on desired output size.

func DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl

func DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl(url, cert string) ([]byte, error)

DownloadAndVerifySignedNdfWithUrl retrieves the NDF from a specified URL. The NDF is processed into a protobuf containing a signature which is verified using the cert string passed in. The NDF is returned as marshaled byte data which may be used to start a client.

func LoadSecretWithMnemonic

func LoadSecretWithMnemonic(mnemonic, path string) (secret []byte, err error)

LoadSecretWithMnemonic loads the encrypted secret from storage and decrypts the secret using the given mnemonic.

func NewClient

func NewClient(ndfJSON, storageDir string, password []byte,
registrationCode string) error

NewClient creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information at a later date.

func NewClientFromBackup

func NewClientFromBackup(ndfJSON, storageDir string, sessionPassword,
backupPassphrase []byte, backupFileContents []byte) ([]*id.ID, string, error)

NewClientFromBackup constructs a new client from an encrypted backup. The backup is decrypted using the backupPassphrase. On successful client creation, the function will return a JSON encoded list of the E2E partners contained in the backup and a json-encoded string containing parameters stored in the backup.

func NewPrecannedClient

func NewPrecannedClient(precannedID uint, defJSON, storageDir string,
password []byte) error

NewPrecannedClient is used for integration testing and should not be used unless you are working on the cMix gateway and servers. You cannot connect to any public networks with a precanned client.

func NewProtoClient_Unsafe

func NewProtoClient_Unsafe(ndfJSON, storageDir string, password,
protoClientJSON []byte) error

NewProtoClient_Unsafe initializes a client object from a JSON containing predefined cryptographic which defines a user. This is designed for some specific deployment procedures and is generally unsafe.


NewProtoClient_Unsafe is planned to be deprecated in favor of a new account backup API.

func NewVanityClient

func NewVanityClient(ndfJSON, storageDir string, password []byte,
registrationCode string, userIdPrefix string) error

NewVanityClient creates a user with a receptionID that starts with the supplied prefix It creates client storage, generates keys, connects, and registers with the network. Note that this does not register a username/identity, but merely creates a new cryptographic identity for adding such information at a later date.

func StoreSecretWithMnemonic

func StoreSecretWithMnemonic(secret []byte, path string) (string, error)

StoreSecretWithMnemonic creates a mnemonic and uses it to encrypt the secret. This encrypted data saved in storage.


type Client

type Client struct {
// Has unexported fields.

func Login

func Login(storageDir string, password []byte, parameters params.Network) (*Client, error)

Login initializes a client object from existing storage.

func LoginWithNewBaseNDF_UNSAFE

func LoginWithNewBaseNDF_UNSAFE(storageDir string, password []byte,
newBaseNdf string, parameters params.Network) (*Client, error)

LoginWithNewBaseNDF_UNSAFE initializes a client object from existing storage while replacing the base NDF. This is designed for some specific deployment procedures and is generally unsafe.

func LoginWithProtoClient

func LoginWithProtoClient(storageDir string, password []byte, protoClientJSON []byte,
newBaseNdf string, parameters params.Network) (*Client, error)

LoginWithProtoClient creates a client object with a protoclient JSON containing the cryptographic primitives. This is designed for some specific deployment procedures and is generally unsafe.

func OpenClient

func OpenClient(storageDir string, password []byte, parameters params.Network) (*Client, error)

Open a client session, but do not connect to the network or log in.

func (*Client) AddService

func (c *Client) AddService(sp Service) error

AddService adds a service to be controlled by the client thread control; these will be started and stopped with the network follower.

func (*Client) ConfirmAuthenticatedChannel

func (c *Client) ConfirmAuthenticatedChannel(recipient contact.Contact) (id.Round, error)

ConfirmAuthenticatedChannel creates an authenticated channel out of a valid received request and sends a message to the requestor that the request has been confirmed. It will not run if the network state is not healthy. An error will be returned if a channel already exists, if a request does not exist, or if the passed in contact does not exactly match the received request. Can be retried.

func (*Client) ConstructProtoUerFile

func (c *Client) ConstructProtoUerFile() ([]byte, error)

ConstructProtoUerFile is a helper function which is used for proto client testing. This is used for development testing.

func (*Client) DeleteAllRequests

func (c *Client) DeleteAllRequests() error

DeleteAllRequests clears all requests from client's auth storage.

func (*Client) DeleteContact

func (c *Client) DeleteContact(partnerId *id.ID) error

DeleteContact removes a partner from the client's storage.

func (*Client) DeleteReceiveRequests

func (c *Client) DeleteReceiveRequests() error

DeleteReceiveRequests clears receive requests from client's auth storage.

func (*Client) DeleteSentRequests

func (c *Client) DeleteSentRequests() error

DeleteSentRequests clears sent requests from client's auth storage.

func (*Client) GetAuthRegistrar

func (c *Client) GetAuthRegistrar() interfaces.Auth

GetAuthRegistrar gets the object which allows the registration of auth callbacks.

func (*Client) GetAuthenticatedChannelRequest

func (c *Client) GetAuthenticatedChannelRequest(partner *id.ID) (contact.Contact, error)

GetAuthenticatedChannelRequest returns the contact received in a request if one exists for the given userID. Returns an error if no contact is found.

func (*Client) GetBackup

func (c *Client) GetBackup() *interfaces.BackupContainer

GetBackup returns a pointer to the backup container so that the backup can be set and triggered.

func (*Client) GetComms

func (c *Client) GetComms() *client.Comms

GetComms returns the client comms object.

func (*Client) GetErrorsChannel

func (c *Client) GetErrorsChannel() <-chan interfaces.ClientError

GetErrorsChannel returns a channel which passess errors from the long running threads controlled by StartNetworkFollower and StopNetworkFollower.

func (*Client) GetHealth

func (c *Client) GetHealth() interfaces.HealthTracker

GetHealth returns the health tracker for registration and polling.

func (*Client) GetNetworkInterface

func (c *Client) GetNetworkInterface() interfaces.NetworkManager

GetNetworkInterface returns the client’s network interface.

func (*Client) GetNodeRegistrationStatus

func (c *Client) GetNodeRegistrationStatus() (int, int, error)

GetNodeRegistrationStatus gets the current state of node registration in the network. It returns the total number of nodes in the NDF and the number of those with which the client is currently registered. An error is returned if the network is not healthy.

func (*Client) GetPreferredBins

func (c *Client) GetPreferredBins(countryCode string) ([]string, error)

GetPreferredBins returns the geographic bin or bins that the provided two-character country code is a part of.

func (*Client) GetRateLimitParams

func (c *Client) GetRateLimitParams() (uint32, uint32, int64)

GetRateLimitParams retrieves the rate limiting parameters.

func (*Client) GetRelationshipFingerprint

func (c *Client) GetRelationshipFingerprint(partner *id.ID) (string, error)

GetRelationshipFingerprint returns a unique 15 character fingerprint for an E2E relationship. An error is returned if no relationship with the partner is found.

func (*Client) GetRng

func (c *Client) GetRng() *fastRNG.StreamGenerator

GetRng returns the client’s rng (random number generator) object.

func (*Client) GetRoundEvents

func (c *Client) GetRoundEvents() interfaces.RoundEvents

GetRoundEvents registers a callback for round events.

func (*Client) GetRoundResults

func (c *Client) GetRoundResults(roundList []id.Round, timeout time.Duration,
roundCallback RoundEventCallback) error

GetRoundResults adjudicates on the rounds requested. It checks if they are older rounds or in-progress rounds.

func (*Client) GetStorage

func (c *Client) GetStorage() *storage.Session

GetStorage returns the client storage object.

func (*Client) GetSwitchboard

func (c *Client) GetSwitchboard() interfaces.Switchboard

GetSwitchboard returns the switchboard for registration.

func (*Client) GetUser

func (c *Client) GetUser() user.User

GetUser returns the current user identity for this client. This can be serialized into a byte stream for out-of-band sharing.

func (*Client) HasAuthenticatedChannel

func (c *Client) HasAuthenticatedChannel(partner *id.ID) bool

HasAuthenticatedChannel returns true if an authenticated channel exists for a specified partner.

func (*Client) HasRunningProcessies

func (c *Client) HasRunningProcessies() bool

HasRunningProcessies checks if any background threads are running and returns true if one or more are.

func (*Client) MakePrecannedAuthenticatedChannel

func (c *Client) MakePrecannedAuthenticatedChannel(precannedID uint) (contact.Contact, error)

MakePrecannedAuthenticatedChannel creates an insecure e2e relationship with a precanned user.


MakePrecannedAuthenticatedChannel is used for integration testing and is unavailable on public networks.

func (*Client) MakePrecannedContact

func (c *Client) MakePrecannedContact(precannedID uint) contact.Contact

MakePrecannedContact creates an insecure e2e contact object for a precanned user.

func (*Client) NetworkFollowerStatus

func (c *Client) NetworkFollowerStatus() Status

NetworkFollowerStatus gets the state of the network follower. It returns:

  • Stopped - 0
  • Starting - 1000
  • Running - 2000
  • Stopping - 3000

func (*Client) NewCMIXMessage

func (c *Client) NewCMIXMessage(contents []byte) (format.Message, error)

NewCMIXMessage creates a new cMix message with the right properties for the current cMix network.

func (*Client) RegisterEventCallback

func (c *Client) RegisterEventCallback(name string,
myFunc interfaces.EventCallbackFunction) error

RegisterEventCallback records the given function to receive ReportableEvent objects. It returns the internal index of the callback so that it can be deleted later.

func (*Client) RegisterForNotifications

func (c *Client) RegisterForNotifications(token string) error

RegisterForNotifications allows a client to register for push notifications. Note that clients are not required to register for push notifications especially as these rely on third parties i.e., Firebase, that may represent a security risk to the user.

func (*Client) ReportEvent

func (c *Client) ReportEvent(priority int, category, evtType, details string)

ReportEvent reports an event from the client to API users, providing a priority, category, event type, and details.

func (*Client) RequestAuthenticatedChannel

func (c *Client) RequestAuthenticatedChannel(recipient, me contact.Contact,
message string) (id.Round, error)

RequestAuthenticatedChannel sends a request to another party to establish an authenticated channel. It will not run if the network state is not healthy. An error will be returned if a channel already exists or if a request was already received. When a confirmation occurs, the channel will be created and the callback will be called. Can be retried.

func (*Client) ResetSession

func (c *Client) ResetSession(recipient, me contact.Contact,
message string) (id.Round, error)

ResetSession resets an authenticate channel that already exists.

func (*Client) SendCMIX

func (c *Client) SendCMIX(msg format.Message, recipientID *id.ID,
param params.CMIX) (id.Round, ephemeral.Id, error)

SendCMIX sends a "raw" CMIX message payload to the provided recipient. Note that both SendE2E and SendUnsafe call SendCMIX. Returns the round ID of the round the payload was sent or an error if it fails.

func (*Client) SendE2E

func (c *Client) SendE2E(m message.Send, param params.E2E) ([]id.Round,
e2e.MessageID, time.Time, error)

SendE2E sends an end-to-end payload to the provided recipient with the provided message type. Returns the list of rounds in which parts of the message were sent or an error if it fails.

func (*Client) SendManyCMIX

func (c *Client) SendManyCMIX(messages []message.TargetedCmixMessage,
params params.CMIX) (id.Round, []ephemeral.Id, error)

SendManyCMIX sends many "raw" CMIX message payloads to each of the provided recipients. Used for group chat functionality. Returns the round ID of the round the payload was sent or an error if it fails.

func (*Client) SendUnsafe

func (c *Client) SendUnsafe(m message.Send, param params.Unsafe) ([]id.Round,

SendUnsafe sends an unencrypted payload to the provided recipient with the provided message type. Returns the list of rounds in which parts of the message were sent or an error if it fails. NOTE: Do not use this function unless you know what you are doing.

func (*Client) SetProxiedBins

func (c *Client) SetProxiedBins(binStrings []string) error

SetProxiedBins updates the host pool filter that filters out gateways that are not in one of the specified bins.

func (*Client) StartNetworkFollower

func (c *Client) StartNetworkFollower(timeout time.Duration) error

StartNetworkFollower kicks off the tracking of the network. It starts long running network client threads and returns an object for checking state and stopping those threads. Call this when returning from sleep and close when going back to sleep. These threads may become a significant drain on battery when offline; ensure they are stopped if there is no internet access.

Threads Started:

  1. Network Follower (/network/follow.go) - Tracks the network events and hands them off to workers for handling
  2. Historical Round Retrieval (/network/rounds/historical.go) - Retrieves data about rounds which are too old to be stored by the client
  3. Message Retrieval Worker Group (/network/rounds/retrieve.go) - Requests all messages in a given round from the gateway of the last node
  4. Message Handling Worker Group (/network/message/handle.go) - Decrypts and partitions messages when signals via the Switchboard
  5. Health Tracker (/network/health) - Via the network instance tracks the state of the network
  6. Garbled Messages (/network/message/garbled.go) - Can be signaled to check all recent messages which could be be decoded Uses a message store on disk for persistence
  7. Critical Messages (/network/message/critical.go) - Ensures all protocol layer mandatory messages are sent Uses a message store on disk for persistence
  8. KeyExchange Trigger (/keyExchange/trigger.go) -Responds to sent rekeys and executes them
  9. KeyExchange Confirm (/keyExchange/confirm.go) - Responds to confirmations of successful rekey operations
  10. Auth Callback (/auth/callback.go) - Handles both auth confirm and requests

func (*Client) StopNetworkFollower

func (c *Client) StopNetworkFollower() error

StopNetworkFollower stops the network follower if it is running. It returns errors if the follower is in the wrong state to stop or if it fails to stop it. If the network follower is running and this fails, the client object will most likely be in an unrecoverable state and need to be trashed.

func (*Client) UnregisterEventCallback

func (c *Client) UnregisterEventCallback(name string)

UnregisterEventCallback deletes the callback identified by the index. It returns an error if it fails.

func (*Client) UnregisterForNotifications

func (c *Client) UnregisterForNotifications() error

UnregisterForNotifications turns off notifications for this client.

func (*Client) VerifyOwnership

func (c *Client) VerifyOwnership(received, verified contact.Contact) bool

VerifyOwnership checks if the ownership proof on a passed contact matches the identity in a verified contact.

type RoundEventCallback

type RoundEventCallback func(allRoundsSucceeded, timedOut bool, rounds map[id.Round]RoundResult)

Callback interface which reports the requested rounds. Designed such that the caller may decide how much detail they need.

allRoundsSucceeded: Returns false if any rounds in the round map were unsuccessful. Returns true if ALL rounds were successful.

timedOut: Returns true if any of the rounds timed out while being monitored. Returns false if all rounds statuses were returned.

rounds: Contains a mapping of all previously requested rounds to their respective round results.

type RoundResult

type RoundResult uint

Enum of possible round results to pass back


const (
TimeOut RoundResult = iota

func (RoundResult) String

func (rr RoundResult) String() string

type Service

type Service func() (stoppable.Stoppable, error)

A service process starts itself in a new thread, returning from the originator a stoppable to control it.

type Status

type Status int


const (
Stopped Status = 0
Running Status = 2000
Stopping Status = 3000

func (Status) String

func (s Status) String() string